Furious Paul - Hardcore Gaming & Speed Running

By: - May 14, 2016

FuriousPaul.com Site Layout Suggestions

I have been getting a lot of great feedback on my Overwatch guide's content which I greatly appreciate.  All the positive feedback on my guide motivates me to continue to improve it and make it the best Overwatch guide on the web.  But I have been getting a lot of negative feedback about my site layout.  A lot of people are saying it is bad on the eyes.  Some say the layout looks old.  Some say the color scheme is bad, etc..

Black background
When I first made FuriousPaul.com back in 2013, my original intention was to make it look a bit different than other websites.  I wanted it to have a more unique look to it.  I chose a black background because I think it looks cool and also preserves energy for OLED devices. OLED screens do not consume energy for black pixels. This means that black backgrounds save a lot more energy than white backgrounds when used with OLED devices.  This can save on battery life for handheld devices or future OLED monitors.  A black background makes a site more future proof as far as energy consumption goes.

Color Scheme
I personally like the color scheme I chose for my site.  I am using a reddish color to represent a site title, an orange color to represent a content title, and green to represent a hyper link.  That's it, only 3 main colors (besides white for text).

I chose orange for content titles because I like Halloween type stuff and It kind of reminded my of that in a way.  I even launched my site on Halloween anyways.

My site uses a unique navigation system because I wrote the entire template code for the site myself.  I did not use a 3rd party platform like WordPress, instead I wrote everything myself.  That's how I wanted to do it.  I am also using the latest HTML 5 standards with CSS3 for styling, so everything is up to date with that.  I also did this because I wanted to learn HTML5 coding better.  Things might not look as modern because of this, but I was totally fine with that.

I wanted my site to have a simple clean appearance that was very basic.  I wanted to show all the links clearly on the screen (no drop down menus).  I know the template looks a bit old, but that was part of my original intention with the site.

What is your suggestions?

In my eyes everything looks good and I am not sure how I can improve it.  Maybe people just need to get used to it after awhile?

I want to hear from others why my site looks so bad on the eyes?  I am open to suggestions to improve the layout so people can easily read it without hurting their eyes.  I am open to all suggestions, feedback, opinions and ideas for improving my site design. 

Is the color scheme too "busy" for people's eyes?  Is the green hyper links to bright?  Should I make them dimmer?  Should I remove all reddish site titles and just make them white?  Do I need to increase the size of the fonts?

UPDATE May 15th:
I have dubbed down all the bright colors on my site and made them dimmer, including the green hyper links, white text, and everything else except the orange and red text.  I also increased the font size and font line spacing.  Hopefully this is better and won't strain people's eyes.  If you want to compare to how it used to be, try this link out.

If this improved anything for you, please let me know, otherwise I will revert it.

Please write your suggestions and feedback down below in the FB comments!





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