Furious Paul - Hardcore Gaming & Speed Running

Overwatch Strategy Guide

Watchpoint Gibraltar Map Guide
( FP's Overwatch Strategy Guide )

Watchpoint Gibraltar is a Payload map where the attackers are attempting to deliver a satellite drone to a rocket.  The map is essentially an Overwatch outpost where the attackers start in Winston's laboratory.

In the future this guide will be expanded with many strategies and in-depth guides, but for now take a look at these maps that will help you memorize where everything is at within Watchpoint Gibraltar.

Top down view with location markers:

Global 3d view:

Attackers Starting Area:

Payload start area to checkpoint A:

Checkpoint "A" Area:

Checkpoint "A" to "B":

Checkpoint "B" to "C"(end):

Source:  I did not make these maps, they were made by Orhin_InsaLan from reddit.





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