Blizzard EntertainmentWorld of Warcraft

PLEASE NOTE:  This is NO longer a valid forum discussion, this is just a saved discussion talking about Mancow on Akama.
Topic:    | 12/10/2005 11:13:56 PM PST 

Level 9 Gnome Rogue
Realm:  Wildhammer
 1. Mancow's DOA | 12/6/2005 3:12:23 PM PST
It's real simple - all of you that think he's botting, account sharing, hacking, whatever - put in a GM ticket. A guy on a different server I play on got his rank 13 toon perma-banned for using the 'help' of a 'friend' he 'paid' to play his toon (read: 'leveling service').

And oh yeah - it is my opinion (see: opinions are like a-holes) that this guy cheats and I have put in a ticket. The more complaints the GMs see, the more likely they are to investigate. Hey, who knows, I may be wrong and he's some crankhead that does nothing but tweak and quest.
Patch 1.10 does what now?

Level 60 Dwarf Warrior
Guild:  TCGA
Realm:  Alleria
 2. Re: Mancow's DOA | 12/6/2005 3:48:57 PM PST
Hold up... so your telling me ur going to report him for being the first to get to 60? are you serious? And do you even know how lvling services work? First they get a character to lvl 60 on the realm, then they offer services, the lvl 60 has the low lvl AF him why he kills shiz for him, thats why it takes the leveling services 14-16 days, they run 24 hours...hes doing it in 6 days played...hmm see how that works...

And as he said in his other post, he is a hardcore gamer, and this is what he does for if you guys are really going to try to get him banned, u fail at life, and should grow up, he likes what he does, let him do it, what is he going to do when he hits 60 and everyone is lvl 40 under? nothing... but get his professions up till everyone else gets 60...does this really hurt you that bad that someone puts time and effort to do it, then u want to go ban him? w/e bro, do what u want, nothing is goign to happen, they can look it to it all they want...
<mrwuss> stik dude
<Stikboy> its Stikboy

Level 9 Gnome Rogue
Realm:  Wildhammer
 3. Re: Mancow's DOA | 12/6/2005 4:08:21 PM PST

Q u o t e:
And do you even know how lvling services work?
The leveling service that you described is not what the rank 13 used. He gave his account name and password to a 'company' he paid to PvP with his toon 24/7 non-stop. Hmmm, see how that works?

Q u o t e:
And as he said in his other post, he is a hardcore gamer, and this is what he does for fun...
If I were paying someone to level my toon or had my roommate, life partner, whatever taking shifts with me to be in game 24/7, I might make a post on the realm forums stating "Hey, you know what? I don't cheat!"

Q u o t e:
. . .what is he going to do when he hits 60 and everyone is lvl 40 under?

Oh, I don't know, maybe violate the Blizzard EULA and ToS by selling his account or the gold on that toon . . .

Q u o t e:
nothing is goign to happen, they can look it to it all they want...
If he is cheating, then they can do several things:
1) Log the IP address that his account uses every time it enters the game. Is it the same IP address? If not, how may other IPs use this account?
2) Log the /played time of the toon. How often is it logged in? How long are the breaks between times played? Does this information paint a picture of more that one player using the toon?

Like I said, I could be wrong. But I'm an anti-cheating crusader. If he's not cheating, then I apologize. If he is, then let's do a /who Mancow in a week or so and see what happens.
Patch 1.10 does what now?

Level 60 Tauren Warrior
Guild:  Power of the Horde
Realm:  Burning Legion
 4. Re: Mancow's DOA | 12/6/2005 6:01:37 PM PST
Cry more you jealous little bastard. The GM's have better things to do than hear your whining about Mancow. My hat's off to the guy for being hardcore.

How the hell would they even prove he was using a leveling service?

GM: "Hey Mancow are you violation the EULA?"
GM "Oh snap we caught him!"
MC: "Kekekeke"

You people need to spend more time leveling and less time being petty morons.

-Priests need a spell to cure stupid.

Level 60 Human Paladin
Guild:  Tranquility
Realm:  Alleria
 5. Re: Mancow's DOA | 12/6/2005 6:10:27 PM PST
Mancow Owns Joo Hard!

Why is it so hard to beleave that someone spends all of life's waking hours playing WoW?

There are people who die every year from sleep deprivation playing games.

If playing wow is this mans passion let him be!

I hate people who suck at "insert here"(probily life in your case), and claim that the people better than them are cheaters.

OMG how can Mancow be better than ME, it's not humanly possible for someone to be better than me!

Level 31 Night Elf Hunter
Guild:  Doomsday
Realm:  Kael'thas
 6. Re: Mancow's DOA | 12/6/2005 6:31:59 PM PST
I have to admit, levelling in WoW isn't a terribly difficult task.

I myself have been playing the game for a month (recently defected from EQ2), and in that time I've levelled 2 hunters to 32, a druid to 20, a priest to 19, a warlock to 17, and a few level 10s.

On this server I managed to hit 30 in a week, but only because I had done it once before and knew where the quests were.

If a person has been playing this game for a year, has levelled a few 60's (again, not hard by the volume of 60's people seem to posess). I would wager that a player would know where to go for the best-yielding XP quests and grinding spots. If that person also has 100% free time to play, and doesn't need a lot of sleep (5 hours a night), and is focused (does not get distracted with crafting, community building or the market), I would have to believe that it is entirely "doable" to hit this mark.

I personally hate witch-hunts. Provide absolute proof that the character was logged in 24/7 for the past week, with perhaps 10 minute log-off breaks, and then maybe you have a complaint. If you don't have that info, then leave it with your /report and let the guy be. There's no need to plaster these forums with hypothetical conclusions based upon assumption.

If Blizzard investigates and finds anything amiss, you can be pleased to know your due diligence has caught yet another "cheater". However, it serves no good other than making yourself look like a whiner to come here and complain about a complete stranger who has absolutely no impact upon your life or enjoyment of this game whatsoever.

Peace out.

Level 1 Orc Warrior
Realm:  Wildhammer
 7. Re: Mancow's DOA | 12/6/2005 7:17:14 PM PST
yeahh uhmm the people from Edge defend him because they dont want anything to smear their record but the truth is these are how conversations go in regular places

Mancow has logged off.
P1: OMG Mancow logged off I give him under 5 minutes to log back on
P2: I second that bet
P3:I bet hes going to sleep
P2: are you serious or just stupid?
Edge member: shutup hes not botting sharing accounts or any of that hes a guy who loves to play the game
P1: then why did one of the people playing say he was 3 people 8 hour shifts?
Edge member: he didnt your making it up
2 minutes have past
Mancow has logged in.
P1: explain that
All goes silent no responses

there are a lot of people know what they doing better than he does they just have lives but Freya and his brother on Azshara I tip my hat to them because they actually leveled fast ALONE and DIDNT BRAG gg buuuuudddy
Do you want to be a millionaire?

Level 9 Gnome Rogue
Realm:  Wildhammer
 8. Re: Mancow's DOA | 12/6/2005 7:31:57 PM PST

Q u o t e:
Cry more you jealous little bastard.
Well coming from someone whose best guess is that his father is one of maybe thousands of mailmen . . .

Q u o t e:
How the hell would they even prove he was using a leveling service? . . . petty morons.
As stated in my previous post, they would track the IP of the player logged into the toon. Usually those that label others as morons have at least some level of reading comprehension. Obviously, you do not.
Patch 1.10 does what now?

Level 60 Human Paladin
Guild:  Tranquility
Realm:  Alleria
 9. Re: Mancow's DOA | 12/6/2005 7:35:15 PM PST
People do get disconected beleave it or not!

He Might have had to go poo poo, it's possible that it took so long he got afk logged out, and then when he was done going poo poo he logged back in.

[ post edited by Luceus ]


Level 5 Orc Warrior
Realm:  Gorgonnash
 10. Re: Mancow's DOA | 12/6/2005 7:52:14 PM PST
that 2min logout was answered by mancow himself in his FYI thread. he switches to his bank/AH toon cowman

Level 1 Orc Warrior
Realm:  Wildhammer
 11. Re: Mancow's DOA | 12/6/2005 8:33:26 PM PST
hmm so he does this at random every 8 hours?

also how come I was talking to him at one point and then he dc real quick I say wb now ok can you help me? he says who are you? you have never talked to me before
Do you want to be a millionaire?

Level 1 Gnome Warrior
Guild:  Aggression
Realm:  Smolderthorn
 12. Re: Mancow's DOA | 12/6/2005 11:07:58 PM PST

Q u o t e:
hmm so he does this at random every 8 hours?

also how come I was talking to him at one point and then he dc real quick I say wb now ok can you help me? he says who are you? you have never talked to me before

You are complete moron and not to mention a liar. You're just trying to make him look bad by making these claims with no proof. If it was true you'd have screenshots to back up your claim. The jokes on you buddy because he is doing nothing wrong and in the end all the people who flamed him will look like even more of a jackass.

Also, I think you are the one who needs to get a life instead of monitoring his every move.

Level 53 Human Rogue
Guild:  Premiere
Realm:  Dark Iron
 13. Re: Mancow's DOA | 12/6/2005 11:13:16 PM PST
Im a member of edge and have talked to mancow somewhat, but for the most part tried not to bother him. You need to realise that 3 people running 8 hour shifts wouldn't even be as fast as mancow does it, seeing as just trying to jump in where another has left off and instantly know which quests to do and places to go does not make sense, and in fact is much more difficult.
Mancow has figured out a specific quest route to take that optimizes time spent for the quests and xp recieved at which lvl, and the xp gained for killing mobs at certain lvls and the difficulty to kill the mob with current skills and pet. Using this he figures out which quests to pick up and figures out an exact number of any specific mob he wishes to grind in order to get (X) xp in order to turn in (x) quest at (x) level. Obviously, he probably has to imrovise a lot during his trek to 60, but thats beside the point... he has it down to a science.

I personally have a lvl 32 priest and havent even really been playing that much, not to mention starting more than a day after the server opened.

As far as you guys trying to argue his 2 min logouts... Im sure it would be much more effecient for a team to use 1 computer as to not have to set up the interface each time skills get added and whatnot, not to mention going LD, using a bank toon or whatever. Anyways, people just leave the damn guy alone, or at least until he's 60 and is willing a little more time to answer some questions. I also know the GMs were talking to him about his leveling and have checked that his hours are not inhuman or what have you.

His /played, which is the real issue, at 60 should also be a tribute to his sucess, as it will most definitely be under 7 days or so... While most of us will probably be in the 40s.
Trust me guys, he's a damn good hunter and just straight better at leveling, its okay, it happens.


Level 4 Orc Rogue
Realm:  Agamaggan
 14. Re: Mancow's DOA | 12/6/2005 11:23:49 PM PST

Q u o t e:
It's real simple - all of you that think he's botting, account sharing, hacking, whatever - put in a GM ticket. A guy on a different server I play on got his rank 13 toon perma-banned for using the 'help' of a 'friend' he 'paid' to play his toon (read: 'leveling service').

And oh yeah - it is my opinion (see: opinions are like a-holes) that this guy cheats and I have put in a ticket. The more complaints the GMs see, the more likely they are to investigate. Hey, who knows, I may be wrong and he's some crankhead that does nothing but tweak and quest.

i think he or she is right,mancow is newb and needs to get life and all the people sticking p for him must be his real life friends or people he paid to stick up for him.btw he does MACRO-BOT or SHARE ACCOUTS,unless like i said hes like 16 or something drop out and doesnt have life sits there 24/7 and plays,cus hes not laid of work and hes not 26 with wife and kid,NOPE,rofl go head call me names go head stick up for him,but hes newb and he needs to get life before he hits 30 as no where to go and ends up on streets with pet rat =/.

Level 27 Tauren Shaman
Guild:  The Alliance Are Noobs
Realm:  Deathwing
 15. Re: Mancow's DOA | 12/6/2005 11:24:57 PM PST

Q u o t e:
i think he or she is right,mancow is newb and needs to get life and all the people sticking p for him must be his real life friends or people he paid to stick up for him.btw he does MACRO-BOT or SHARE ACCOUTS,unless like i said hes like 16 or something drop out and doesnt have life sits there 24/7 and plays,cus hes not laid of work and hes not 26 with wife and kid,NOPE,rofl go head call me names go head stick up for him,but hes newb and he needs to get life before he hits 30 as no where to go and ends up on streets with pet rat =/.


Level 55 Troll Hunter
Realm:  Agamaggan
 16. Re: Mancow's DOA | 12/6/2005 11:26:02 PM PST

Q u o t e:

True that *G*,WORD!

Level 52 Undead Warlock
Guild:  The Alliance Are Noobs
Realm:  Deathwing
 17. Re: Mancow's DOA | 12/6/2005 11:26:48 PM PST

Q u o t e:
i think he or she is right,mancow is newb and needs to get life and all the people sticking p for him must be his real life friends or people he paid to stick up for him.btw he does MACRO-BOT or SHARE ACCOUTS,unless like i said hes like 16 or something drop out and doesnt have life sits there 24/7 and plays,cus hes not laid of work and hes not 26 with wife and kid,NOPE,rofl go head call me names go head stick up for him,but hes newb and he needs to get life before he hits 30 as no where to go and ends up on streets with pet rat =/.

i want pet rat =D!

Level 1 Gnome Warrior
Guild:  Aggression
Realm:  Smolderthorn
 18. Re: Mancow's DOA | 12/7/2005 12:01:13 AM PST
You guys are f*cking idiots.

Level 22 Orc Warrior
Realm:  Agamaggan
 19. Re: Mancow's DOA | 12/7/2005 2:19:17 AM PST

Level 29 Tauren Warrior
Realm:  Azshara
 20. Re: Mancow's DOA | 12/7/2005 3:15:01 AM PST
I do notice only a select few people vouch for him...
Which is kinda weird... I mean it could be some company that has a bunch of characters and then vouch for the guy after they make a random character from a random server... notice the level 1 toons backing him up?

well w/e that's my 2 cents.
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