Furious Paul - Hardcore Gaming & Speed Running

PC - WoW
By: - November 1, 2013

My 1-60 Speed Run Screenshots Through World of Warcraft

Here is a list of all the most notable speed runs I have done through Vanilla World of Warcraft (2005 - 2007).  I also leveled 2 Warlocks to 60 prior to these speed runs.  The Warlocks weren't necessarily speed runs as I went through the game slowly with them to learn the game, read the quests, do instances, etc..

1st Speed Run on Malfurion:  (6 days 17 hours)


2nd one on Akama:  (6 days 4 hours)

I was leveling so fast that people on the forums were saying I was cheating, or hacking, take a look here for one of the forum topics going on while I was leveling. You can see screenshots of this speed run journey here:


3rd one on Gul'Dan:  (5 days 9 hours)


4th one on Hakkar:  (5 days 2 hours)


5th and final one on Jubei'Thos (4 days 20 hours, the one with the recorded 1-60 speed run video):

Here's a graph of the horde players on the server at the time when I hit 60:

As you can see, the player Leshraque was right on my tail the whole time!  I have to admit I had a little bit of pressure from Leshraque. It was the most pressure I had since I started speedrunning WoW.  He was always no more than a few levels behind me.  He did a pretty good job of keeping up with me. Leshraque's final play time at level 60 was 6 days 22 hours.  I did this run in a 7 day span. It took a days span longer for me because of all the times I had to log out every hour for like 15 minutes to setup data transfers and compressions for the 1-60 video I was recording.




My Speedruns & Articles:

My Overwatch Strategy Guide
World of Warcraft 1-60 Speed Run
Starcraft 2 WoL Speed Run & Guide

Super Castlevania IV Speed Runs
Castlevania II: Simon's Quest Speed Runs

Other Games
Mega Man 3 Boss Guide
Wolfenstein 3d

Best Cherry MX Mechanical Keyboard Switches
My Twitch.TV Setup for Playing PC Games
My Twitch.TV Setup for Console Games
My Blacklight Garage!


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