My Speedrun & Guide Through SC2: Wings of Liberty Brutal Campaign

My single player campaign guide through Starcraft 2: Wings of Liberty includes speed run videos demonstrating all missions done on Brutal difficulty while also showing you how to do all the mission objectives, bonus objectives and all achievements with voice commentary from me. I also include an image/map for each mission that shows you where key items you need to pick up or do in order to complete all the achievements/objectives in each mission.
Please note, through out my videos I skip most of the story cinematics so I do not spoil any stories for you while playing.
NOTE: This guide used to be called "Joana's Starcraft 2 Guide", but I have since abandoned the character name "Joana" and now use my real gamer name (Furious Paul) for everything. So if you see anything regarding the name "Joana", that's why.
Here we go..
Liberation Day Brutal Difficulty Video - Time done: 3:39 - Completed all mission goals and achievements on brutal. Completed "Raynor's Back", which has you kill 5 enemy units with Raynor, and "Down with Mengsk", which has you kill every enemy unit on this mission.
The Outlaws Brutal Difficulty Video
- Time done: 7:12 - Completed all mission goals and achievements on brutal, including the
achievement "Be Quick or Be Dead" which has you beat the
mission under 10 minutes. Also completed "Cash Reward" achievement,
which has you pick up all the resource pallet pickups.
Zero Hour Brutal Difficulty Video - Time done: 20:12 - I did all mission objectives and I show you how to kill 4 zerg hatcheries for the "The Best Defense..." achievement. NOTE: I could not do "Hold the Line" achievement on Brutal, which has you prevent the zerg from killing one of your buildings. They want you to do that achievement on normal difficulty, but if you follow the same procedures in this video you should be able to accomplish this achievement with no problems on normal or hard difficulty.
NOTE: After this mission, In the
ARMORY, I upgrade Combat Shield for marines (Gives +10 hitpoints to marines),
and Projectile Accelerator for bunkers. Also note that through out my
guide, you do not necessarily have to do the same as me as far as upgrades and
purchases, it's just what I feel is best for me while playing. But I will
still note down what I purchase through out the single player campaign.
Smash And Grab Brutal Difficulty Video - Time done: 14:46 - Completed all mission goals and achievements on brutal, that includes beating this under 15 minutes for the "Hit & Run" achievement.
NOTE: After this mission I do the following
upgrades and purchases:
MERCENARY: I purchase the Hammer Securities.
ARMORY: I upgrade the Neosteel Bunker (increases bunker capacity by 2).
The Evacuation Brutal Difficulty Video - Time done: 22:36 - Completed all mission goals and achievements on brutal, that includes not losing any transport truck or building for the "Sacrifice Nothing" and "Handled with Care" achievements, also collected all DNA Chrysalis and resource pick-ups.
NOTE: After this mission I do the following
upgrades and purchases:
MERCENARY: I purchase the Devil Dogs.
LABORATORY RESEARCH CONSOLE: I research Shrike Turrets (for the Zerg Research). I think having an automated turret for bunkers is
better than just a bit more hitpoints.
ARMORY: I upgrade the stabilizer Medpacks for the Medics.
Mission 6 - The Devil's Playground
The Devil's Playground Brutal Difficulty Video - Time done: 22:38 - I completed all mission goals and achievements on brutal, that includes killing the Brutalisk in the lava for the "Red Lobster" achievement, and locating all of Tosh's reapers for the "Reaper Man" achievement.
Some TIPS for this mission: There are 4,600 worth of mineral pick-ups on this mission, which is over half of the mission objective, which can help you complete this mission MUCH quicker! And don't worry about mining gas at all on this mission, you will find enough gas with gas pallet pick-ups.
NOTE: After this mission I do the following
upgrades and purchases:
ARMORY: I upgrade Advanced Medic Facilities (For medics).
Mission 7 - Welcome to the Jungle
Welcome to the Jungle Brutal Difficulty Video - Time done: 30:27 - This was the hardest Brutal mission yet! I couldn't even come close to achieving the later 2 achievements on Brutal, however I was able to do the first achievement (completing all the mission objectives).
NOTE: After this mission I do the following
upgrades and purchases:
MERCENARY: I purchase Spartan Company.
LABORATORY RESEARCH CONSOLE: I upgrade Ultra Capacitors for the
Protoss Research.
ARMORY: I upgrade Multi-Lock Weapons System (for Goliaths).
Mission 8 - The Great Train Robbery
The Great Train Robbery Brutal Difficulty Video - Time done: 20:52 - Accomplished everything on brutal! Did all 3 achievements, I killed the Marauder Kill Team for the "Bully the Bullies" achievement, didn't let a train pass for the "Silver Streak" achievement, and did all mission objectives.
NOTE: After this mission I do the following
upgrades and purchases:
LABORATORY RESEARCH CONSOLE: I research Planetary Fortress for the
Zerg research.
ARMORY: I upgrade Shaped Hull (for diamondbacks).
Cutthroat Brutal Difficulty Video - Time done: 15:56 - Completed all mission goals and achievements on brutal. I killed 25+ units with vulture mines for the "Minesweeper" achievement, and didn't train any SCVs for the "Solitaire" achievement.
NOTE: After this mission I do the following
upgrades and purchases:
LABORATORY RESEARCH CONSOLE: I research Orbital Depots (for the
protoss research).
ARMORY: I upgrade Dual-Fusion Welders (For SCVs).
Outbreak Brutal Difficulty Video - Time done: 29:32 - Completed all mission goals and achievements on brutal. I killed 15+ structures at nighttime for the "Army of Darkness" achievement, and I completed the mission before the 5th night for the "28 Minutes Later" achievement!
NOTE: After this mission I do the following
upgrades and purchases:
ARMORY: I research Stimpacks (for Marines), and Advanced
Construction (for SCVs).
Breakout Brutal Difficulty Video - Time done: 21:50 - Completed all mission goals and achievements on brutal. I did the mission well under 25 minutes for the "Jailhouse Rock" achievement, and Tosh never went below 100 health for the "Cool Hand Tosh" achievement!
NOTE: After this mission I do the following
upgrades and purchases:
ARMORY: I upgrade Ares-Class Targeting System for Goliaths.
Mission 11b - Ghost of a Chance
Ghost of a Chance Brutal Difficulty Video - Time done: 11:38 - Completed all mission goals and achievements on brutal. I killed 15+ units with dominated units for the "Dominate Tricks" achievement, and also killed every enemy unit on this mission for the "Total Protonic Reversal" achievement.
NOTE: This is the alternative mission to Breakout, and it can be skipped if you like.
Tip: I beat the mission very quickly, so watch the video very carefully because there are a lot of little details I do everywhere!
NOTE: After this mission I do the following
upgrades and purchases:
ARMORY: I upgrade Psionic Lash for Spectres.
The Dig Brutal Difficulty Video - Time done: 43:54 - Completed all mission goals and achievements on brutal. I killed 20+ protoss units with the laser drill for the "Drill Hard" achievement, and destroyed 50 protoss structures for the "Yippee-ki-yay..." achievement.
NOTE: Its important that we do The Dig mission first before Engine of Destruction mission, because the Engine of Destruction mission is very hard to do on brutal difficulty, and The Dig is rather simple on brutal. This way, we will be able to have vikings, science vessels and more upgrades to be prepared for the Engine of Destruction mission later on.
The only bad part about that, is it's going to be a tad bit harder to get the "Yippee-ki-yay..." achievement on The Dig mission without vikings, but with flying raxes it can be done, and it's not that hard, just watch the video and you will see.
NOTE: After this mission I do the following
upgrades and purchases:
MERCENARY: I purchase Siege Breakers.
ARMORY: I purchase Orbital Command (For Terran Buildings).
Whispers of Doom Brutal Difficulty Video - Time done: 18:15 - Completed all mission goals and achievements on brutal. I made sure Zeratul did not suffer any life damage for the "Merely a Flesh Wound" achievement. And I past the mission with 3 or more stalkers for the "Stalker Delight" achievement, in fact I did not lose any stalkers the entire mission!
NOTE: After this mission I do the following
upgrades and purchases:
LABORATORY RESEARCH CONSOLE: I research Hercules (for the zerg
research), and I research Automated Refinery (for the Protoss research).
A Sinister Turn Brutal Difficulty Video - Time done: 24:42 - Completed all mission goals and achievements on brutal. I killed all protoss units and structures for the "Out of Justice" achievement, and I beat this less than 25 minutes for the "Maar-ked for Death" achievement.
NOTE: After this mission I do the following
upgrades and purchases:
LABORATORY RESEARCH CONSOLE: I research Regenerative Bio-Steel (for
zerg research).
Mission 15 - Echoes of the Future
Echoes of the Future Brutal Difficulty Video - Time done: 11:56 - Completed all mission goals and achievements on brutal. I killed 50 zerg units for the "Army of One" Achievement, and I beat this under 20 minutes for the "Overmind Dead Body" achievement.
Echoes of the Future Brutal Difficulty Speed Run Video - Time done: 3:53 - This is a speed run through this mission on brutal difficulty beating it ASAP (but skipping achievements).
NOTE: After this mission I do the following
upgrades and purchases:
LABORATORY RESEARCH CONSOLE: I research Science Vessel (for protoss
research). The Science Vessel is awesome because it's like medics for your
vehicle units, which is the main reason why I research this over than the Raven.
Mission 16 - In Utter Darkness
In Utter Darkness Brutal Difficulty Video - Time done: 42:16 - Completed all mission goals and achievements on brutal. I killed an additional 750+ zerg units for both the "Semi-Glorious" achievement and the "Blaze of Glory" achievement. I actually ended up killing 3,499 zerg units on brutal! Can you do better than that?
Here are some tips for this mission:
- There is a potential expansion base you can get in the top left, but from my experience it is easier to simply avoid it all together. It can be used to gather gas/minerals faster, but I find that the mission was simply easier to accomplish avoiding the expansion.
- It's important to always have 8-12 Phoenixes at all times so you can use the gravitation ability to beam up the hybrids, making sure you do this constantly through out the mission will make this mission MUCH easier.
- Remember Zeratul has the Void Prism ability, which can be used on overseers, ultralisks, or even the hybrids to help slow the enemy down.
- Use Dark Templar for the first half of the mission! The zerg will generally not start getting overseers until later in the mission, and the dark templar can do massive amounts of damage for awhile without being detected at all.
- You should also get a good handful of colossi early on with a few immortals. Once you are able to get carriers, simply only build them for the rest of the mission.
- Upgrade protoss shields all the way, along with your air weapons and armor all the way. You don't have to worry so much about ground weapons and armor, since you will be using mostly carriers for most of the mission.
- Remember to have your carriers have the auto-build on for their interceptors.
- Just as a reference, you can try this mission with the later half with mass void-rays/colossi, or colossi/phoenix combo, but with mass carriers I was able to last the longest getting the most kills with that strategy, and it's the one I recommend doing.
NOTE: After this mission I do the following
upgrades and purchases:
LABORATORY RESEARCH CONSOLE: I research Psi Disrupter (for the zerg
Haven's Fall Brutal Difficulty Video - Time done: 19:02 - Completed all mission goals and achievements on brutal. I made sure all 5 settlements were protected to get both of the achievements: "Outpatient" and "House Call".
NOTE: In order to do this mission you must chose Purify the Colony, when you see this screen. The reason why I chose this over the other one (Safe Haven) is because we will get the last protoss research points needed to get the final protoss tech in the lab research console.
Tip: When the settlements start to get infested just fly a fleet of vikings in to kill all the air units around it, and then land to kill the ground units along with the structures, you'll see how I do that in the video.
NOTE: After this mission I do the following
upgrades and purchases:
MERCENARY: I purchase Hel's Angels.
LABORATORY RESEARCH CONSOLE: I research Tech Reactor (for the
protoss research).
ARMORY: I purchase Maelstrom Rounds (for Siege Tanks).
Safe Haven Brutal Difficulty Video - Time done: 13:53 - Completed all mission goals and achievements on brutal. I made sure that at least 3 colony outposts were protected to get both of the achievements: "You Shall Not Pass" and "My Precious!"
NOTE: In order to do this mission you must chose Protect the Colony, when you see this screen. Safe Haven is the alternative mission to Haven's Fall. It is entirely optional to do, and can be done by going to the BRIDGE console, however you will not be awarded any research points or credit (if you've already done Haven's Fall). I will put it in my guide for reference purposes. By doing this mission you can unlock the Dr. Ariel Hanson portrait.
Tip: There is a total of 5 colony outpost, and you can let the Purifier Mothership wipe out two colony outposts, but you will have to try and save the rest of them (3) in order to get all the achievements in one go.
Mission 18 - Engine of Destruction
Engine of Destruction Brutal Difficulty Video - Time done: 22:40 - Completed all mission goals and achievements on brutal. I killed the Loki for the "Kicking Asgard" achievement, and I didn't let the Odin drop below 30% of its total health for the "Ragnarok & Roll" achievement.
Tip: Remember you can drop down MULEs to repair the Odin, and Science Vessels can repair it too.
NOTE: After this mission I do the following
upgrades and purchases:
ARMORY: I purchase Ripwave Missles and Phobos-Class Weapons System
(for Vikings).
Media Blitz Brutal Difficulty Video - Time done: 19:31 - Completed all mission goals and achievements on brutal. I did the "Seek & Destroy" achievement during the sneak attack which has you kill a barracks, factory, and a starport. I also did this under 20 minutes for the "Blitzkrieg" achievement, and doing it on brutal wasn't easy! And I also show you how to reveal the secret mission in this video!
Tip: Keep dropping down MULEs to repair the Odin. If your playing on brutal, the enemy will target the MULEs first, so you will have to do it when you are out of combat.
NOTE: After this mission I do the following
upgrades and purchases:
ARMORY: I purchase Hellstorm Batteries and Titanium Housing (for
missle turrets).
Mission 20 - Piercing The Shroud (secret mission)
Piercing The Shroud Brutal Difficulty Video - Time done: 9:29 - Speed Run! Completed all mission goals and achievements on brutal in less than ten minutes. I found and collected all 13 weapon pickups to get the "Lock and Load" achievement and I killed the Brutalisk without losing a unit to it for the "Not So Brutalisk" achievement.
Tip: About the Warbot:
Missiles - is good for killing armored vehicle units such as the tanks
and vikings but are slow at killing the light units like marines/medics.
If you choose missiles just use focus fire to kill the tanks/vikings and ignore
the marines/medics/marauders.
Napalm - is good at killing the light units like marines and medics but
is horrible for killing the armored vehicles such as tanks/vikings. I
think napalm is the worst choice to pick.
Cannons - is equally good at killing both the light units and armored
vehicles and is what I recommend to pick for it. Just remember to throw a
few grenades, one at the marines/medics and one at the tanks/vikings.
NOTE: After this mission I do the following
upgrades and purchases:
ARMORY: I purchase Fire-Suppression System for Terran Buildings.
Mission 21 - The Moebius Factor
The Moebius Factor Brutal Difficulty Video - Time done: 12:16 - Completed all mission goals and achievements on brutal. I located all of the Moebius survivors for the "Alive Inside!" achievement, and completed the mission before Kerrigan destroyed 6 Abandoned Structures for the "Hard Core" achievement.
Tip: If you follow the path I outlined in the image above, you should be able to complete this mission quickly and safely while doing all of the achievements.
Tip: Using the Hercules transports over the medivacs works more efficiently in this mission.
NOTE: After this mission I do the following
upgrades and purchases:
ARMORY: I purchase Shaped Blast for Siege Tanks.
Supernova Brutal Difficulty Video - Time done: 13:42 - Completed all mission goals and achievements on brutal. I didn't let a unit die to the wall of fire for the "Cool Running" achievement, and I killed 75+ units/structures with cloaked banshees for the "Shock 'n' Awe" achievement.
Supernova Brutal Difficulty Speed Run Video - Time done: 5:38 - This is a speed run through this mission on brutal difficulty beating it ASAP (but skipping achievements).
Tip: You can easily beat this mission by simply going mass banshees, and Hel's Angels from the mercenary building, along with a few science vessels in the mix for healing.
Tip: To get the 4th relic, you can use a scanner sweeper to reveal the area, then call down a MULE to pick up the relic.
NOTE: After this mission I do the following
upgrades and purchases:
MERCENARY: I purchase Dusk Wings.
ARMORY: I purchase Shockwave Missile Battery for Banshees.
Maw of the Void Brutal Difficulty Video - Time done: 24:10 - Completed all mission goals and achievements on brutal. I destroyed all 8 Rip-Field Generators for the "I have the Power" achievement, and completed the mission without losing a unit inside the Rip-Field for the "Master of the Universe" achievement.
Here are some tips for this mission:
- Units inside the rip-field will drain their life slowly, however units with a lot of hitpoints (like battlecruisers) will have plenty of life to handle the slow drain. But small units like SCVs, marines, or even like vikings etc.. will drain their life much quicker in the rip-field.
- For the "Master of the Universe" achievement, you will only lose units in the rip-field if the rip-field itself does the final blow to the unit (instead of being killed by another enemy unit).
- Use your dark templar to kill enemies inside the rip-field (dark templar are not effected by the rip-field), while your battlecruisers are being healed outside of the rip-field. You need to watch out for photon cannons. You can use my image to see where all the photon cannons are at.
- Use a viking to fly around and to pick up all the resource pick-ups that are around the map.
- When attacking carriers, use focus fire and kill the carriers themselves, otherwise your battlecruisers will attack the interceptors (which is less efficient).
- When playing I recommend having a control group just for your dark templar, another one for just your battlecruisers, another one for your battlecruisers and your science vessels, and another one for a viking that picks up all the resource pick-ups.
- Use the Yamato cannon to kill carriers, voidrays, and photon cannons.
- When you see the mothership, either try to avoid it altogether or quickly yamato it so it goes away, but don't try to attack it with your regular attacks, you will take to much damage. If it uses a vortex on your army, just let the rest of your army fly into it to be safe temporarily.
- You can use your dark templar to kill the final rip-field generators on the left side of the map, just watch out for photon cannons and observers.
- Try to have your science vessels stay out of the rip-field (by using the hold position) so they save energy on healing.
MERCENARY: I purchase Jackson's Revenge.
Mission 24 - The Gates of Hell
The Gates of Hell Brutal Difficulty Video - Time done: 16:59 - Completed all mission goals and achievements on brutal. I destroyed all 6 Spore Cannons for "The Big Bang Cannon" achievement, and I rescued all 10 drop-pods of dominion troops for the "Dominion Roundup" achievement.
Here are some tips for this mission:
- The easiest way to do this mission is to follow my image to see where each drop-pod will land so you know exactly where to be at all times during this mission.
- Once killed, each Spore Cannon drops a gas pallet to pick up.
- To help obtain the Dominion Roundup achievement, you can call down MULEs on them to obtain the last few drop pods that come down in pairs.
- Don't worry about expanding at the south-east expansion site, you will have plenty of time/resources to do this mission without it.
NOTE: After this mission I do the following
upgrades and purchases:
Nothing to purchase after this mission.
Mission 25 - Belly of the Beast
Belly of the Beast Brutal Difficulty Video - Time done: 18:59 - Speed Run - Completed all mission goals and achievements on brutal. I completed the mission without letting a hero go Incapacitated for the "Unbreakable" achievement, and I got 52 kills with one Penetrator shot for the "One Shot, Fifty Kills!" achievement.
NOTE: In order to do this mission you must chose Sabotage Tunnels, when you see this screen. This will start Belly of the Beast and will cause the final mission (All In) to do mostly air attacks and hardly no ground attacks.
NOTE: After this mission I do the following
upgrades and purchases:
Nothing to purchase after this mission.
Shatter the Sky Brutal Difficulty Video - Time done: 13:59 - Completed all mission goals and achievements on brutal. I didn't let a unit die to a platform explosion for the "Demolition Man" achievement, and I completed the mission well under 25 minutes for the "Speed Too!" achievement.
NOTE: In order to do this mission you must
chose Attack Platform, when you
see this screen.
This will start Shatter The Sky and will cause the final mission (All In) to
do mostly ground attacks and hardly no air attacks.
After this mission I do the following
upgrades and purchases:
Nothing to purchase after this mission.
Mission 26 - All In (Not Available Right Now!)
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